This protocol aims to ensure that, by undertaking accurate medicines reconciliation
- The right patient receives the right medicine, at the right dose and at the right time
- The risk of medication errors are reduced when a patient moves from one care setting to the next
- Patients receive personalised medicines management care, thus promoting a patient centred approach
- Roles and responsibilities of healthcare professionals in medicines reconciliation are defined
- For weekly/monthly treatments provide the day of the week or date of last dose
- Discharge letters /summaries should be work flowed within 24 hours of receipt to the practice pharmacist
- Medicines should be reconciled within 2 working days of receipt by practice pharmacist unless red flagged in which case 24 hours
- Any changes to medication should be documented and acted upon
- If there is any ambiguity about medication changes the GP surgery should contact the appropriate prescriber/ward as soon as possible to clarify
- Call 01273 696955 Ext. 3696 for hospital discharge summary queries
- Any changes to medication should be discussed with the patient/patient’s advocate if appropriate by telephone or by sms
- If a compliance aid is in use, inform the community pharmacy of any changes
- If the patient is housebound make appropriate arrangements as neccessary
- Assign diagnosis on all new medications
Drugs that require special attention
- Warfarin
- fill out warfarin template
- ensure patient has been referred to CPAMS or RSCH Anticoagulation Clinic
- Insulin
- Use brand names
- I dose and timings in relation to meals.
- Steroids
- along with dose, record the length of course, whether it is long term maintenance, a short course or a reducing course
- Shared Care Medications
- Azathioprine, Salazapyrin, Mycophenolate, Methotrexate, Lithium
- in script note add BT frequency and test details & add a note on patient home screen to clearly identify patient is on a high risk medication - these are in presets
- check that there is already a shared care document in patients records and make a note of this in home screen
- if there is no shared care agreement patient will need to be refered to rheumatology, neurology or mental health fast tracked to get this prescribing started
- discuss with patient
- do not add to repeat template until shared care agreement in place
- send patient letter about shared care agreement
- Depot injections
- Denosumab, goserelin
- record dose and frequency and date of next dose
- Issue next prescription
- Send a task to nurses
- Hydroxocobalamin
- add to repeat template
- identify next due date
- DO NOT issue prescription
- send task to nurses
- Sustanon
- add to repeat template
- dentify next due date
- issue prescription?
- send task to nurses
- Opioid substitute therapies/substance misuse
- minimise risk of dose duplication, overdose or diversion
- ensure continuity of prescribing
- liaise with community pharmacy to confirm current dose and time/date of last administration
Check if the new medication needs monitoring
- Make a note on medication record or PMR
- Inform patient
- Task receptionist to arrange any appointments neccessary