- reduces the severity and frequency of hot flushes by around 85%
- improves vaginal dryness
- by reducing menopausal symptoms, oestrogen may improve sleep and quality of life
- reduces the risk of post-menopausal bone fracture, including hip fracture
- not associated with weight gain
- may decrease the rsik of coronary heart disease
Side effects
- breast enlargement and tenderness
- nausea
- usually temporary
- may be dose related
- exacerbation of hormonally-sensitive migraine headache (only with oral)
- increased risk of blood clots (venous thromboembolism)
- increased risk of stroke
- increased risk of gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis)
Unopposed oestrogen
- Oestrogen stimulates the release of eggs from your ovaries and causes the cells of the womb lining to divide
- Progesterone gets the lining of your uterus ready to receive the egg from the ovaries
- The levels of oestrogen and progesterone in your body are usually balanced
- If oestrogen is not kept in check by progesterone, it can increase
- This is called unopposed oestrogen
- This unopposed oestrogen causes the cells of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) to divide resulting in endometrial hyperplasia
- Endometrial hyperplasia is a condition in which the endometrium becomes abnormally thick.
- Although endometrial hyperplasia is not cancer, it can lead to uterine or womb cancer in some women
- Combining progestogen with oestrogen substantially reduces the risk of atypical endometrial hyperplasia
- Therefore, all patients with an intact uterus must be prescribed progesterone
- Approximately 20% of women given unopposed oestrogen for one year develop endometrial hyperplasia
- The risk persists for many years after oestrogen treatment has been stopped
Oestrogen prescribing choices
- These formulations contain oestrogen only and are for patients with no uterus
Formulation | Brand, strength & dose | Pros | Cons |
Oral |
Patches |
Gel |
Vaginal oestrogen to treat genitourinary syndrome of menopause can be prescribed alone or in addition to systemic HRT and does not require a progestogen for endometrial protection to be prescribed simultaneously.